Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome baby Claire!! (early!)

Claire is here!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated yet but today is the first day I have been able to get to the computer (actually, I started this post yesterday and am just able to finish it today, Saturday). Claire was born on Sunday, May 24th at 11:11 pm. She weighed 7lbs and was 20 in. long. We couldn't believe how fast she came. I started having contractions (real ones) around 3:30pm, went to the hospital at 7 and had her at 11. I only pushed for about 20 minutes or so.

Funny story...Jeff was in Flagstaff on Sunday riding quads with his friends. We totally didn't think I would go into labor. IN FACT, before he left at 7am that morning, Jeff said "You won't go into labor today." When I called him that afternoon WE WERE IN SHOCK!!!! I tried to wait for him to get home but I couldn't so my brother and sister-in-law took me to the hospital and Jeff was there waiting for us! He beat us! I'm so glad he made it though, I don't know what I would have done without him.

She is just SO ADORABLE. I just love her sweet little face and can't believe she is finally here. I love her so much and couldn't imagine life without her now. Jeff has been so great this week...He has been helping me so much and she is totally daddy's girl. She looks just like him too!!! My mom says she is a spitting image of him. She is a mini Jeff!! I love it!! I love my little family so much, I just can't believe it. I'm finally a mom!!!

I love her face!!!


Proud grandma with her 2nd granddaughter

Going home

First car ride was so surreal driving home with our new baby
We couldn't believe that she was actually here!

Daddy driving his little girl home.

Walking into our house for the first time with her!

I had to take this picture...

First bath, which she didn't really like.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Claire's room!

We have finally finished Claire's room!! I just love it so much because Jeff put a lot of his own touch into it. He has been working so hard for the last few weeks building and painting for her room. He did a lot so I'll point them out in the pictures...thanks so much, husband!! You did a wonderful job!!!
Jeff made 4 "windows" to add to her walls.
We put her name in one and then added butterflies
and flowers to the others.
Jeff had the butterflies and flowers made and then
he painted them. So CUTE!!!!
Jeff built her bookcase! I love how he added the matches what
he did in our living room.
I need more books!!! I just love reading and I hope
Claire will too...:)
This is just a regular dresser but Jeff built a changing table for it! After he made it, he stained the wood to match the dresser and added hooks to the back of it so we can take it off when we won't need the changing table part anymore. I love how he thinks...
Finally, the part I love the most...her name!!! Jeff had it made and then he painted it. should really start a business...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baby update

It's been a long time since I've posted and I just wanted to update all of you...I had a doctor's appt. today and am only 1 1/2 centimeters dialated and 50% effaced. 2 weeks to go! We are almost done with Claire's room so I will be sending pictures of that soon! Meanwhile, here is a picture from my baby shower...the former Arizona Rattlers dancers!!! Jessie (on the left), me, and Hailey(on the right). All three of us are moms now (at least, I will be in a couple of weeks!)