Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bathroom Update

Jeff has been working hard on this bathroom now and it's sure coming along! Here he's preparing the walls so the tile can be put on them. Last night he added the light fixture and put the mirror back up. He's doing such a great job so far!



Vicky and Colin DeBord said...

Okay - here's the truth about Jeff's ability to remodel! I taught him everything he knows; he watched while his dad and I (mostly "I") did all sorts of projects in the two houses he grew up in (the perfection comes from his grandfather - who had to measure and level everything he did and double check other people's work!) All kidding aside, I have photos of Jeffrey lugging around a hammer that was almost as big as he was at age 1 1/2. He was always helping paint, hammer, saw - whatever tools his little hands could pick up - he was helping.

the rooms look terrific and I'm sure the new bathroom will be great also. We will have to make it out to see your home before you decide to sell it and start another project. Have fun - I'll send you a few of the photos.

Love, Mom

Sandra said...

Now you'll have so much light to see everything! I like to have less light so I don't see sooo many wrinkles. It's going to look wonderful when its all done!